Friday, 14 March 2014

Liebster Award

Hello people!

I have been nominated twice for a Liebster Award by Lauraline and Veronica from Coat of Cosmetics.
I have to say thank you to this two beautiful ladies for nominating me. It means a lot to me because as you might know, I've only been blogging for less than a week!
Also, I must say I think this is a great idea for people who's just starting to get some more viewers and followers and get to know each other! <3

For those who don't know what a Liebster Award is here's the basic rules:

· You must link back or mention the person who's nominated you and display the award on the post.
· Answer the eleven questions the blogger who nominated you asked you.
· Post about eleven random things about yourself.
· Nominate another eleven bloggers that have under 200 followers for the Liebster Award and let them know they have been nominated by you.
· Ask them eleven questions.

My nominees are:

Hazel from Hazel Hearts
Emily from Tales From The Sale Rails
Molly from Molly Lavinia
Hannah from Hannah's Beauty Sweet
Deborah from Moonstone & May
Seima from Seima Rahman
Gemma & Laura from Tartan Fairytales
Isobel from Izz Howden
Michelle from Michelle

11 Random facts about myself:

I hate lettuce.
I love duvet covers.
I own more than 50 lipsticks.
I bought a handbag today.
My favorite author is Jane Green.
My boyfriend's five years younger than me.
I don't own a pair of jeans.
I am a fully qualified nurse.
I can play guitar.
I love baby gorillas.
I've travelled to four out of the five continents.

Questions from Lauraline:

1. What's your fashion essential?
Lipsticks. I have so many and I can't leave the house without lipstick on!

2. What's your favorite?
Dresses, definately.

3. Do you have any passion?
Weddings. I want to become a wedding planner and that's my main passion at the moment! <3

4.What's your dream country/city?
That I have been, New York. That I haven't been, Bora Bora.

5. Do you have any life goal?
Get married, have kids and be happy.

6. Who's your favorite blogger?
I have so many, I couldn't decide just one!

7. What are your favorite shops?
River Island, New Look and Forever21.

8. How would you define your style?
I don't think I have a particular style, I just wear whatever I like, but if I had to choose one, I'd say I'm a bit of a rock chic!

9. What was your motivations to start your blog?
I've been reading blogs for so long, they just inspired me to write my own one!

10. Do you have any bedside book? What is it?
At the moment I'm reading 'The Husband's Secret'.

11. If your life was a movie, which one would it be?
Bridget Jones Diary - Part one.

Veronica's Questions:

1. Why did you first start your blog?
It's something I've wanted to do for a very long time and I finally had the courage to do it!

2. If you were stranded on a desert island, what would be one must-have beauty product you'd need?

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Some very small town somewhere in Nashville or Alabama.

4. Sweet or savory food?
Savory definately. I don't particulary like chocolate or cakes in general!

5. What is one feature you love about yourself?
My eyes.

6. If you were granted three wises, what would they be?
Be able to eat without getting fat, health for my loved ones and a magic wand so I can keep making wishes come true.

7. Is there a quote or saying you live by? And why?
Keep the Faith, You know you're gonna live through the rain. It's a Bon Jovi song which I have tattooed on me. It doesn't need any explanation.

8. Who is your favorite musical artist/band? 
Bon Jovi. I grew up listening to them and they're just amazing.

9. What's your favorite blog post you've written?
I've only written 4 so far! Probably the last 7 years one.

10. Favorite childhood memory?
The walks home from school with my grandad.

11. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Shakira. I admire so much and there's so much I'd like to tell her and ask her!

My questions to you:

1. What's your favorite place in the world?
2. What's your favorite lisptick colour?
3. A place you'd never visit again?
4. A food that you hate?
5. How long have you known your best friend for?
6. What's your dream job?
7. If you could be one person for one day, who would it be and why?
8. If you had to chose between clothes and make up, what would you chose?
9. What's your favorite film?
10. Have you ever lied to someone very close to you?
11. Why did you decide to start writing a blog?

That's all from me folks! I hope you enjoyed it. 
I'd really appreciate if you could follow my blog or comment. <3 I promise to follow back! 



  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. Thanks for the nomination :)

  3. Thanks so much for the nomination, do I still qualify as I have over 200 followers on bloglovin? Will have to get my daughter Lisa (Topaz & May) to help me complete the questions etc. Thanks again, Deborah

  4. HI dear:) like your blog very much, would you like to follow each other?
