So I love
food. I know; who doesn’t right? But no, seriously, I L O V E food. Any food,
at any time. I’m one of those people that eat for pleasure and not because I’m
hungry or because I need it. I can eat anybody under the table. I eat big
portions and most of the time I could have seconds if there were so when I
think about diets, I normally shake my head and try to think about something
That said, it’s no
surprise that in the last few years I’ve put on so much weight and I can’t
blame anybody but me. I’ve gone from a size 12 to a size 18 in the last four or
five years and I must say, I’m starting to really dislike myself so I thought
it’s about time to do something about it.
Last week I
came across a Slimming World leaflet. I heard about it before but always
thought that wasn’t for me. ‘Hello, my name is Montse and I’m a fat cow’. The idea of going into a meeting alone and
talk about my weight terrified me.
I did some
research online and talked to a couple of people who still attending to
meetings weekly and they convinced me. They told me it wasn’t anything like I
thought it’d be and OMG they were right.
I was
feeling a little bit sick when I first entered the building but a lovely woman
asked me if I was new and when I said yes she asked me to join another four or
five people that were starting at the same time as me. That calmed my nerves a
little bit. We all sat down and were explained everything about Slimming World;
The Free Food, Healthy Food, Syns, etc.
By the end
of that chat I was 100% in. We then got given our new books, got weighted and
wrote down our target weight. After that we moved on to the actual meeting and
I am so glad I decided to start this journey! It was very relaxed, people
talked about recipes, presents were given to people who’d done really well this
week, etc.
I must say,
if you’re planning on losing weight, do not be afraid of joining a club. I am
so happy I’ve joined Slimming World and I can’t wait to get started!
So, I’m starting my new eating plan today. I will make sure to tell you how I’ve done next week after my second meeting!
Adiós amigas!
Well done you for going ahead and doing it! I'm in the trap of revision eating to motivate myself, planning to get myself in shape when i'm finished with exams (waa). Lovely blog! x
Good luck dude. I did the Cambridge Diet back in 2012. Changed my life/mind. You can read about that here: http://amyfrank.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/my-weight-loss-story-4-weeks-til-nyc.html